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S&S III Arena Champion Weapons

All of the bosses weapons have their damages at base, so that means that all these weapons damages are the base kind of damage. Most of the Arena Champions who are low levels might have a level 75 weapon, however this game mechanic allows the difficulty of the Arena Champions to be challenging. By far, one of the most difficult bosses are Great Knight Gallantrus, Father Painbringer, Ultratus Omega, and Fallen Emperor Antares. Most bosses ingame have equipment higher than their level, this was meant to make the bosses harder to defeat. The Yeti-Project carries a Frost Yeti Club of Frost Resistance, which is a level 75 Artefact weapon and unavailable to the player even though the boss is level 19.

1. The Fearful Prisoner - Feargal Staff 6-12 Dmg

2. Boarhide Trader Pigsus - Burly Pig Rake of the Boar 18-36 Dmg

3. Xanfar the Haunted - Necromancy Steel Claws of Necromancy Resistance 10-60 Dmg

4. Obliterator 9000 - Hypnotic Autocannon 50-100 Dmg

5. Mr. Omazing - Arctic Cutlass of Frost Resistence 10-40 Dmg

6. The Yeti Project - Frost Yeti Club of Frost Resistance 40-300 Dmg

7. Battlemaiden Anna - Chimera Short Bow of the Prophet 45-90 Dmg

8. Fizzacles - Lightning Resistant Blobulous Staff of Lightning Artifice 200-400 Dmg

9. Sir Brian of May - May's Red Special of Big Hall 125-250 Dmg

10. Arglaxx - Unholy Poison Arglaxx's Paw of Epic Battle 100-300 Dmg

11. The Boneslinger - Heavy Bolter Gun of Enslavement 30-120 Dmg

12. Archfiend Coalbhaal - Unholy Pagan's Rapier of the Abyss 10-60 Dmg

13. Bladetron v2.0 - Frost Laser Sabre of Conflict 400-800 Dmg & Lightning Laser Sabre of Conflict 400-800 Dmg

14. Mossocles the Venomous - Poison Mossocles Earthshaker of Nature's Blessing 300-450 Dmg

15. Great Knight Gallantrus - Fire Claymore 90-270 Dmg

16. Bargle - Lightning Orb of Artifice 150-300 Dmg & Necromancy Orb of Artifice 150-300 Dmg

17. Platos - Fists 2-3 Dmg

18. Evil Ninja Redux - Unholy Frost Nunchaka of pools 200-400 Dmg

19. Magnificent Leopold - Keytar of the Pantheon 600-1200 Dmg

20. Father Painbringer - Holy Lightning Rocket Launcher of Abrasion 300-600 Dmg

21. Bluescreen Death - Lightning Voltblade 300-600 Dmg

22. The Undead Great Beast - Unholy Inigo's Worldsmasher 60-120 Dmg

23. Fallen Emperor Antares - Celen's Empire Blade of the Plough 250-500 Dmg

24. Ultratus Omega - Veteran's UltraChainsaw of Agony 500-1000

There are several Arena Champions that wield weapons that are not available to the player, it's probably a weapon coding for only these bosses. Here is the Hidden Weapons List:

2. Boarhide Trader Pigsus - Pig Rake

3. Xanfar the Haunted - Steel Claws

6. The Yeti Project - Yeti Club

8. Fizzacles - Blobulous Staff

9. Sir Brian of May - Red Special

10. Arglaxx - Arglaxx's Paw

13. Bladetron v2.0 - Laser Sabre

14. Mossocles the Venomous - Earthshaker

16. Bargle - Orb

18. Evil Ninja Redux - Nunchaka

21. Bluescreen Death - Voltblade

22. The Undead Great Beast - Worldsmasher

23. Fallen Emperor Antares - Empire Blade

24. Utratus Omega - UltraChainsaw

Most of the Arena Champions all have these hidden weapons and while the least of them carry the default ones. It is also noted that most of the Bosses have height over 7 Ft. and 8 In, Juggernaught and Armourer Perks are added to ech of these bosses further increasing their armor, health stats and height. The Creators of the game probably made the bosses stronger in order to create a challenging gameplay. Body Groups of these Champion's vary, here is a list of them.

1. Fearful Prisoner - Human

2. Boarhide Trader Pigsus - Human Pig

3. Xanfar the Haunted - Skeletal Elf

4. Obliterator 9000 - Automaton

5. Mr. Omazing - Dogman

6. The Yeti Project - Yeti - 9 Feet, 0 Inches - 535 lb's

7. Battlemaiden Anna - Glamourzon

8. Fizzacles - Sagan Blob

9. Sir Brian of May - Human Half-Elf

10. Arglaxx - Baboonman

11. The Boneslinger - Zombie Goatman

12. Archfiend Coalbhaal - Human Imp

13. Bladetron v2.0 - Automaton

14. Mossocles the Venomous - Floralisk - 9 Feet, 4 Inches - 541 lb's

15. Great Knight Gallantrus - Human

16. Bargle - Human

17. Platos - Golem - 11 Feet, 7 Inches - 781 lb's

18. Evil Ninja Redux - Sagan Blob

19. Magnificent Leopold - Catman

20. Father Painbringer - Human

21. Bluescreen Death - Automaton - 8 Feet, 6 Inches -

22. The Undead Great Beast - Zombie Minotaur - 12 Feet, 7 Inches - 841 lb's

23. Fallen Emperor Antares - Skeletal Daemon - 8 Feet, 8 Inches -

24. Ultratus Omega - Automaton - 9 Feet, 4 Inches - 541 lb's

It is obvious that most of the bosses have a Human body group, except customized. There is one body group unavailable to the player and that would be the Automaton.
