The Little Fat Kid is a student from Ghoul Academy and a store owner in Swords and Sandals 3 and is later revealed to be the owner of the town Ye Old Tavern in SaS:4
In SaS:2 he is a spell.
- In Swords and Sandals 3 When you enter to his shop; the "Little Fat Kid's Magic Shoppe, he will utter a random saying, fact or just a hilarious sentence. Always linked with food:
- Schnitzel is the only German word I know. (Schnitzel is a German thin fried cutlet).
- The tuck shop is the promised land (A tuck shop is a small, food-selling retailer).
- Whether vegetable or fruit, the tomato is invariably a disappointment.
- Full fat milk and cheese helps me stay big boned.
- When i cry my tears taste like cola.
- He was a bold man who first swallowed an oyster.
- When I'm at school I play in the food group.
- The only good dog is a hot dog.
- I catch the sushi train to school.
- You can't belly laugh without a belly.
- The belly rules the mind.
- You don't win friends with salad.
Also, he appears in other game, named "Salad Dodger", which your objective is eat the junk food and avoid salad, and collect bags (powerups in the game) that can be good or bad, like Salad Storm.
You have a certain amount of lives that can be lost by eating salad and falling if you stay in the same place for too long (the amount of time in which the floor breaks if you stay in the same place decrease with the higher your score is).
If you lose all your lives, you are transported to a screen in which Little Fat Kid says something related to food like in Swords and Sandals 3.